Romans 8:28 Ministries exists to encourage, engage, and educate women through community and the study of Scripture, for the sole purpose of glorifying God and making Jesus Christ known. We invite all women to our community. No matter your past or present circumstances, you are welcome here.
Nichole LaPointe, founder of Romans 8:28 Ministries, knows firsthand the power of God’s saving grace. As a result of her own story, Nichole can testify that the healing that comes from studying God’s Word saves our minds.
Nichole—and all of us here at Romans 8:28 Ministries—pray that God will use us as His tools so that others will embrace and share the truth, “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28 (ESV)




Ministry Consultant

Multimedia Designer
The desire for Romans 8:28 Ministries began about eight years ago in Nichole’s heart. The name was birthed in the midst of a devastating time in her life.
Yes, He planted a seed for this ministry in the midst of her pain. And, although everything felt like chaos in her life, Nichole sensed God would bring this ministry into existence—in His own time and in His own way.
And, in looking back… we clearly see God’s handiwork.
You see, about three years ago, Nichole saw God moving to form this team when He put her, Kristi, Tracy, and Natasha together in her newly formed Sunday School class.
Not only did God grace them with friendship and a deep love for one another, but He gifted them with complementary talents. A teacher, editor, leader, and graphic designer—together—in one class!
Pretty amazing, right?
Now, this leaves just one explanation needed for our newest ministry member, Jodi.
God brought Jodi to Nichole’s church in 2018. Within months of Nichole and Jodi passing each other in the hallways, God allowed short moments of conversation to grow into a “bonding of hearts” for ministry.
So, it only makes sense that God has given Jodi a passionate heart for this ministry, too.
And with these few souls, the seed that God planted in Nichole’s heart years ago now has roots and is springing forth from the dirt in beauty… as Nichole, Kristi, Tracy, Natasha, and Jodi, serve you within this ministry.
Our prayer in this is… that we serve God and you, lovingly, faithfully, and obediently, in all that we do.

Nichole LaPointe, is an author, Bible study teacher, speaker, and host of The Nichole & Jodi Show.
Nichole lives in Eastern North Carolina with her husband and three children. She has been married for 24 years and is currently transitioning to an empty nester, as her daughter is in her last year of college, and her sons have graduated college. Nichole attends Englewood Baptist Church in Rocky Mount, NC.
Nichole enjoys studying God’s Word, writing and teaching Bible studies, and investing in the lives of family and friends. You can learn more about Nichole by visiting her website at nicholelapointe.com.

Jodi Aiken is co-host of The Nichole & Jodi Show, speaker, writer, and podcaster. Her passion is to help women move their relationship with Christ from doubting to fully trusting.
Raised in a small South Carolina town, Jodi grew up in a non-Christian home, the youngest of five children to divorced parents. She is a mom to two adult sons.
Thirty-one years of marriage to her husband Chris have provided countless adventures, including life as a military spouse, a police officer’s wife, and now the wife of a pastor. She has served the Lord alongside her husband in full-time ministry for over 17 years. You can find her blog and podcast, Pennies in Your Path, at jodiaiken.com.

Tracy Jones is a student of the Word. She has taught, facilitated, and hosted many Bible studies. She even collaborated in writing a discipleship study for teen girls. Over the years, Tracy has served within her church and community, mentoring women and taking on various leadership and organizational roles.
Tracy has worked in the medical field for over two decades. In her spare time, she enjoys watching football and swimming. She likes traveling and spending time with her family.
Tracy’s favorite verse is John 10:10, “The thief comes to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.” Tracy longs for others to experience God’s freedom—freedom from sin, shame, guilt, and the expectations we place on ourselves.

Kristi Houser, an Alabama native, moved to North Carolina for a teaching job after college and has remained for over two decades. She currently works for a Christian publishing company, where she copyedits, develops Bible curriculum, and writes Bible studies for young women.
In her spare time, Kristi teaches language arts to homeschoolers and tutors students with dyscalculia. She is actively involved in the choir and prayer ministries at her church.
Kristi’s life struggles have deepened her faith, and she longs for other women to know the hope and healing that are found only in Christ.

Natasha Neal is a wife and mother to two beautiful daughters. She teaches graphic design at a local community college and actively ministers at her home church.
Multitalented, Natasha graciously serves others with a variety of God-given abilities and talents. Of all her talents, drawing gives Natasha the greatest pleasure. Her favorite drawing subjects are nature scenes and her daughters.
Natasha’s life verse is Isaiah 40:31, “But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint” (NKJV).
We believe God is One in three Persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—eternally existing. We believe that God’s three Persons are all distinct, yet each Person is fully God.
We believe that Jesus Christ, in His incarnation, was conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, the only begotten by God the Father. We believe that Jesus lived a sinless life, perfectly fulfilling the law. We believe that Jesus died on the cross, was buried, and rose again from the dead on the third day. We believe that Jesus did this in order to make provision for sinners as the perfect substitutional sacrifice for those who, by God’s grace, respond with repentance and faith in Him.
We believe the Holy Spirit exalts Christ and convicts men of sin, righteousness, and judgment. He dwells, sanctifies, equips, enlightens, and empowers God’s children for obedience, worship, witness, and service. We believe that the Holy Spirit also seals God’s children for eternal salvation.
We believe that the Bible is the Word of God and that it is truth, without error, and divinely inspired. We submit to its authority.
We believe God created man in His own image, both male and female, with the purpose of glorifying Himself. We believe that because of rebellion and sin, man is separated from God and deserving of eternal punishment. However, man, being created in the image of God, is still worthy of respect, dignity, and neighborly Christian love.
We believe in the unity of the Church under the power of the Holy Spirit and the authority of God’s Word.